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=== これらの権限について ===
=== これらの権限について ===
== Configファイル ==
ConfigVersion: 13
#Should the plugin check for new updates, UpdateDownload will not work if this is set to false
UpdateCheck: true
#Should the plugin auto download and install new versions when they are available
UpdateDownload: true
#Leave a command blank if you don't wish to use one, the commands are run during the process of setting the player to AFK
#this may cause issues if you attempt to teleport or move the player etc.
#The action command must either make the player no longer AFK or remove them from the server
  Action: "kick [PLAYER] You were AFK for too long!"
  AFKStart: ""
  AFKStop: ""
  Warn: ""
#The server must have this many player before the action command will be run
#When the server hits this limit the players who have been AFK longer than the normal action time will be kicked
#Its also recommended that you edit the warning message to tell players that they will be kicked when the server reaches x players
#Setting to 0 means that players will always be acted upon when they reach their time to action
ActionPlayerRequirement: 0
#Enabling this setting will make AFKPlus update a players AFK status in essentials to match their AFKPlus AFK state
#This may be useful for other plugins that check if a player is AFK by checking with Essentials
EssentialsAFKHook: false
#The sound to be played when a player is warned
#Set to blank if you don't want a sound e.g. ""
#A list of sounds for the latest spigot version is available at
#The sound to be played to a player when they become AFK
#Set to blank if you don't want a sound
#A player will be set as AFK if they don't interact with the world
#What should be counted as an interaction?
#Set too false to ignore
  #Sending chat messages
  Chat: true
  #The players head/body rotating in place
  Look: true
  #Moving in the x,y,z directions
  Move: true
  #Attacking entities
  Attack: true
  #Running commands
  Command: true
  #Right-clicking blocks
  Interact: true
  #Placing blocks
  BlockPlace: true
  #Breaking blocks
  BlockBreak: true
#Movement magnitude means that players need to move or look a certain distance before they will be marked as not AFK
  #Should the movement magnitude system be enabled
  Enabled: false
  #How far does the player need to move every second to be counted as moving
  PositionTrigger: 1.0
  #What angle does the player need to look every second to be counted as looking
  LookTrigger: 3.0
  #When enabled AFK players will not be able to move in the x and z directions while AFK.
  #This stops them being pushed out of AFK by players bumping into them
  #This is implemented better in AFKPlusPrefix, but that addon is not compatible with all servers
  #so this is a different implementation of the fix
  Bump: false
  #When enabled AFK players will be invincible to attacks from other players
  HurtByPlayer: false
  #When enabled AFK players will be invincible to attacks from mobs
  HurtByMob: true
  #Same as HurtByPlayer but stops any non-player damage
  HurtByOther: true
  #When enabled, mobs will not spawn if the AFK player is the cause of the spawning
  #This only applies to natural and spawner spawning
  #This may cause minor lag on high-end servers
  MobSpawning: false
  #When enabled AFK players will not be targeted by mobs
  MobTargeting: false
#Who should receive messages when players AFK status changes
#Self = the player whose status has changed
#Vanish = if the player whose status has changed is vanished
  Console: true
  OtherPlayers: true
  Self: true
  Vanish: false
#Enabling aggressive AFK detection will tighten tolerances on AFK machines but may slow down the reaction time of
#removing players from AFK and may also mark players as AFK when they are simply not moving much, this should only
#be enabled if you are having trouble with players using machines like AFK fishing farms
AggressiveAFKDetection: false
#Setting this to true will mean AFK players are ignored when calculating if night should be skipped
#See this page for info on how it works
IgnoreAFKPlayersForSleep: true
#Permissions can be true/false/value
#0 = false, 1 = true or any whole number for a value
#e.g. AFKSelf = 0 or 1 whereas TimeToAFK can be any number of seconds
#Action and warning times are how long the player has been AFK, not how long since the last interact
#You no longer need to list values that differ from the default values below
# Default=0, Priority=0, AFKSelf=1, AFKOthers=0, FakeAFK=0, TimeToAFK=30, TimeToWarning=90, TimeToAction=120 and CanUpdate=0
    #Who should get this permission without it being given, 0 = no one, 1 = everyone, 2 = Ops
    Default: 1
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 1
    #Can the player set themselves as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKSelf: 1
    #Can the player set others as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKOthers: 0
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 30
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: 90
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: 120
    #Can this player use the update command to install new versions
    CanUpdate: 0
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 2
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 60
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: 120
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: 150
    #Who should get this permission without it being given, 0 = no one, 1 = everyone, 2 = Ops
    Default: 2
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 3
    #Can the player set others as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKOthers: 1
    #Can the player enable a FakeAFK state to hide from players by appearing as AFK
    FakeAFK: 1
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 90
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: -1
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: -1
    #Can this player use the update command to install new versions
    CanUpdate: 1

2023年11月18日 (土) 20:50時点における版



制作者 dart
最新バージョン(2023/11/08) 3.4.1
対応バージョン 1.19
リリース日 2017/1/20
SpigotMC SpigotMC-AFK+














ConfigVersion: 13

#Should the plugin check for new updates, UpdateDownload will not work if this is set to false
UpdateCheck: true
#Should the plugin auto download and install new versions when they are available
UpdateDownload: true

#Leave a command blank if you don't wish to use one, the commands are run during the process of setting the player to AFK
#this may cause issues if you attempt to teleport or move the player etc.
#The action command must either make the player no longer AFK or remove them from the server
  Action: "kick [PLAYER] You were AFK for too long!"
  AFKStart: ""
  AFKStop: ""
  Warn: ""

#The server must have this many player before the action command will be run
#When the server hits this limit the players who have been AFK longer than the normal action time will be kicked
#Its also recommended that you edit the warning message to tell players that they will be kicked when the server reaches x players
#Setting to 0 means that players will always be acted upon when they reach their time to action
ActionPlayerRequirement: 0

#Enabling this setting will make AFKPlus update a players AFK status in essentials to match their AFKPlus AFK state
#This may be useful for other plugins that check if a player is AFK by checking with Essentials
EssentialsAFKHook: false

#The sound to be played when a player is warned
#Set to blank if you don't want a sound e.g. ""
#A list of sounds for the latest spigot version is available at

#The sound to be played to a player when they become AFK
#Set to blank if you don't want a sound

#A player will be set as AFK if they don't interact with the world
#What should be counted as an interaction?
#Set too false to ignore
  #Sending chat messages
  Chat: true
  #The players head/body rotating in place
  Look: true
  #Moving in the x,y,z directions
  Move: true
  #Attacking entities
  Attack: true
  #Running commands
  Command: true
  #Right-clicking blocks
  Interact: true
  #Placing blocks
  BlockPlace: true
  #Breaking blocks
  BlockBreak: true

#Movement magnitude means that players need to move or look a certain distance before they will be marked as not AFK
  #Should the movement magnitude system be enabled
  Enabled: false
  #How far does the player need to move every second to be counted as moving
  PositionTrigger: 1.0
  #What angle does the player need to look every second to be counted as looking
  LookTrigger: 3.0

  #When enabled AFK players will not be able to move in the x and z directions while AFK.
  #This stops them being pushed out of AFK by players bumping into them
  #This is implemented better in AFKPlusPrefix, but that addon is not compatible with all servers
  #so this is a different implementation of the fix
  Bump: false
  #When enabled AFK players will be invincible to attacks from other players
  HurtByPlayer: false
  #When enabled AFK players will be invincible to attacks from mobs
  HurtByMob: true
  #Same as HurtByPlayer but stops any non-player damage
  HurtByOther: true
  #When enabled, mobs will not spawn if the AFK player is the cause of the spawning
  #This only applies to natural and spawner spawning
  #This may cause minor lag on high-end servers
  MobSpawning: false
  #When enabled AFK players will not be targeted by mobs
  MobTargeting: false

#Who should receive messages when players AFK status changes
#Self = the player whose status has changed
#Vanish = if the player whose status has changed is vanished
  Console: true
  OtherPlayers: true
  Self: true
  Vanish: false

#Enabling aggressive AFK detection will tighten tolerances on AFK machines but may slow down the reaction time of
#removing players from AFK and may also mark players as AFK when they are simply not moving much, this should only
#be enabled if you are having trouble with players using machines like AFK fishing farms
AggressiveAFKDetection: false

#Setting this to true will mean AFK players are ignored when calculating if night should be skipped
#See this page for info on how it works
IgnoreAFKPlayersForSleep: true

#Permissions can be true/false/value
#0 = false, 1 = true or any whole number for a value
#e.g. AFKSelf = 0 or 1 whereas TimeToAFK can be any number of seconds
#Action and warning times are how long the player has been AFK, not how long since the last interact

#You no longer need to list values that differ from the default values below
# Default=0, Priority=0, AFKSelf=1, AFKOthers=0, FakeAFK=0, TimeToAFK=30, TimeToWarning=90, TimeToAction=120 and CanUpdate=0
    #Who should get this permission without it being given, 0 = no one, 1 = everyone, 2 = Ops
    Default: 1
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 1
    #Can the player set themselves as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKSelf: 1
    #Can the player set others as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKOthers: 0
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 30
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: 90
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: 120
    #Can this player use the update command to install new versions
    CanUpdate: 0
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 2
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 60
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: 120
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: 150
    #Who should get this permission without it being given, 0 = no one, 1 = everyone, 2 = Ops
    Default: 2
    #If a player has more than 1 permission they will be given the one with the highest priority
    Priority: 3
    #Can the player set others as AFK with the /afk command
    AFKOthers: 1
    #Can the player enable a FakeAFK state to hide from players by appearing as AFK
    FakeAFK: 1
    #How many seconds of inactivity are required before they will automatically be set as AFK
    #Set to -1 if the player shouldn't be automatically placed in AFK
    TimeToAFK: 90
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is warned about action being taken
    #Set to -1 to disable warnings for this permission
    TimeToWarning: -1
    #How many seconds of AFK are required before the player is acted upon
    #Set to -1 to disable actions for this permission
    TimeToAction: -1
    #Can this player use the update command to install new versions
    CanUpdate: 1